FOUNDERS   John Veltri and Marguerite LorimerServices.html
Our life as filmmakers-photographers is all about creating high-quality media to open hearts, expand minds, and heal divisions between people. 

Whether producing a feature documentary film, a short educational film, or an HDV docu-promo video for the internet, all our productions have been influenced to some degree by the indigenous cultural leaders and wisdom elders we have known. 

We initially created our company to “amplify the indigenous voice”  -  that is, to help Native American elders share their timely, often urgent, messages with the world.  Since those early days, our mission has expanded to include the stories and messages of traditional elders and visionary innovators from around the globe. 

Our life has been greatly enriched by listening to, and learning from these wise, talented people. We are happy to share with you some of what they have to say, from a diversity of traditions, cultures, and points of view.     
         -  John Vincent Veltri and Marguerite Lorimer  (click for bios)John_Veltri.html
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“ John Veltri and Marguerite Lorimer are top-notch professionals with a breadth of experience...”People_Say.html
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